Even the Winter Won't Last Forever
Golden, Colorado – Winter
I took these pictures on November 2018. I had a full-time job, stable salary, romantic relationship, and my own apartment, car, and office. The reason why I came to Golden, Colorado was for an interview to be a missionary. Fast-forward to a few weeks later… I was rejected to be a missionary.
Washington, DC – Spring
I took these pictures recently (April 2019). It’s been almost 2 years since I started living in Washington, DC and it’s now 2 weeks before leaving it. I have no full-time job, stable salary, or romantic relationship. I’m moving out of my apartment, sold my car, and have no office. But, a few weeks before all of this, I was finally accepted to be a missionary.
In both sets of pictures, I was unfulfilled and unsatisfied with my life. But in the second set of pictures, I found something that I haven’t had for a long time– hope.
Maybe I finally have it because it’s spring again.
Maybe I finally have it because I got accepted to be a missionary.
Or maybe I finally have it because I lost all my worldly possessions
and was left with nothing but my abstract faith.
The song, “Even the Winter” by Audrey Assad was stuck in my head the whole time.
Here are some of the lyrics:
Even the winter won’t last forever
We’ll see the morning
We’ll feel the sun
We’ll wake up in April
Ready and able
Holding the seeds in the soil of our love
Even the darkness cannot disarm us
We’ll see the morning
We’ll feel the sun
We’ll break up the Earth
Cause we know that it’s worth it
Sowing the sees in the soil of our love
All I know is this…
After a winter, there is a spring.
After a Lent, there is an Easter.
After a darkness, there is a light.
And mine and yours are coming extremely soon. I know it because I just watched winter turn to spring with my own eyes. I know it because my Lent started off with me losing everything and my Easter will end off with me experiencing 3 countries I’ve never been to before. I know it because Jesus’s Lent started off with Him being stuck in the desert for 40 days, it transitioned to Him being spat on, whipped, crowned with thorns, and crucified, and His Easter will end off with Him rising from the dead. I know it because after a darkness, there is a light… always.